Confessions of a greenpeace dropout pdf
Confessions of a greenpeace dropout pdf

confessions of a greenpeace dropout pdf

And the lion’s share of that budget in recent years has gone to outrageous attempts to smear agricultural biotech products, consumer electronics, and the logging and fishing industries. In the United States, however, Greenpeace is a relatively modest activist group, spending about $10 million per year.

confessions of a greenpeace dropout pdf

Over the years the group has loudly made its feelings known on a variety of issues (nuclear testing, whaling, and global warming, for instance), and its Amsterdam-based activist moguls pull the strings on what is estimated to be a $360 million global empire. Greenpeace was originally the brainchild of the radical “Don’t Make a Wave Committee,” a group of American draft-dodgers who fled to Vancouver in 1969 and, supported by money from anti-war Quaker organizations, got into the business of forcibly blocking American nuclear tests. In other countries, however, Greenpeace has not been as lucky: Both Canada and New Zealand have revoked the organization’s non-profit status, noting that the group’s overly politicized agenda no longer has any “public benefit.”


Forbes magazine once described it as “a skillfully managed business” with full command of “the tools of direct mail and image manipulation - and tactics that would bring instant condemnation if practiced by a for-profit corporation.” But Greenpeace has escaped public censure by hiding behind the mask of its “non-profit” status and its U.S. Greenpeace is the largest environmental organization in the world, with an international membership of over 3 million and offices in over 40 countries.

Confessions of a greenpeace dropout pdf